Industry-leading and fish-friendly technology for your vessel

Over many years, Hoseth Technology has had close and tight development processes to solve some of the challenges in the salmon industry associated with the farms. We have a number of solutions for vessels that deliver services for cage-based farming and solutions for slaughtering at the edge of the cage.

Fish handling in Hoseth Technology means pumping fish as gently as possible. This gives the best fish quality and economy.

We have extensive experience with handling and transporting live or killed fish on board various vessels. The projects we have delivered range from relatively simple pumping challenges to the most demanding in terms of capacity, distance and height. When fish are to be lifted more than 4-5 meters, our vacuum / pressure pumps are by far the best technology.

Our solutions are complete and adapted to customer needs.

After pumping, fish and water needs to be split. This can happen in a dewatering unit or over a grading table. Often it is an advantage to separate the fish in two size categories to make the stunning machines work as well as possible. We have solutions for water handling from dewatering and grading units. If desirable, we can return the water to where the fish is pumped from. 

Hoseth Technology has extensive experience and has supplied water separators and sorting tables in a range of sizes and functions.

A HeliXir bath treatment tank is primarily used for medical or freshwater treatment of fish, normally to remove parasites. This is a mild process for the fish and a well-controlled process for the operators.

HeliXir tanks for bath treatment are large screw tanks optimized for handling live fish. The fish are gently led into the tanks and counted into each chamber. The circulation pattern and water quality system assure best possible circumstances for the fish being moved slowly through the tank before gently lifted into a water chute or pipe that transports the fish back to a cage. The process is particularly applicable for treatments that take between 15 and 120 min.

Hoseth Technology believes that shock-based stunning is the method that provides the best fish welfare, bleeding, product quality and the longest pre-rigor time. Long pre-rigor time simplifies further processing and gives a better yield. You also avoid broken backs and blood stains.

After stunning the fish may be automatically bled in the same machine or manually on the control table. 

Hoseth Technology har i mange år levert hele mottaks- og avlivingssystem for levendefisk til slakterier og slaktebåter. For bedøvelse og bløgging integrere vi andre leverandørers løsninger. 

Hoseth Technology supplies software, digitization and automation solutions for the seafood industry. Our engineers, automatists and software developers have broad knowledge and understanding of slaughterhouses, support systems and technology for processing, transporting and processing fish.

The software developers have an interdisciplinary collaboration with other environments in Hoseth Technology to develop the best products both at machine level and total systems.