Hoseth Technology is a specialist in bulk handling, from the time the fish arrives at the butchery in various forms until it is fully cooled and ready for gutting. In addition, we have good solutions for manual looping and buffering and post-cooling later in the process. For several decades, Hoseth Technology has been the driving force and market leader in this segment of the industrialized part of fish farming in the world. We work closely with our customers to find solutions that are efficient, precise, solid and hygienic and that optimize the quality of the fish.
Fish handling in Hoseth Technology means pumping fish as gently as possible. This gives the best fish quality and economy.
We have a long experience in handling and transporting live or dead fish. The projects Hoseth Technology has delivered varies from relatively simple pump challenges to the most demanding regarding capacity, distance, and height. When fish are to be lifted more than 4-5 meters, the best technology is our vacuum/pressure pumps.
Our solutions are complete and adapted to customer needs.
After pumping, fish and water must be separated. This can take place in a screening box or over a sorting table. It is often an advantage to separate large and small fish to make the stunning machines work as well as possible. We have solutions that handle water from strainers and sorting tables. If desired, we can return it to where the fish is pumped from. Hoseth Technology has extensive experience and has supplied water separators and sorting tables in a range of sizes and functions.
Cooling is far more efficient with live fish than dead fish, because the fish pump cold blood from the gills to the whole body. Low temperature is crucial to achieve top fish quality.
Hoseth Technology believes that shock-based stunning is the method that provides the best fish welfare, bleeding, product quality and the longest pre-rigor time. Long pre-rigor time simplifies further processing and gives a better yield. You also avoid broken backs and blood stains.
After stunning the fish may be automatically bled in the same machine or manually on the control table. Hoseth Technology har i mange år levert hele mottaks- og avlivingssystem for levendefisk til slakterier og slaktebåter. For bedøvelse og bløgging integrere vi andre leverandørers løsninger.
Hoseth Technology has developed and made HeliX tanks since 1993. Our Helix tanks are market leaders and are used for soaking and cooling after bluing, as buffer stock after gutting and for maturation before filleting. Our Prolog tank system is a good alternative when indoor space is limited or challenges in regards to heights.
In a typical butchery delivery from Hoseth Technology, we deliver the sections before the gutting machines, including the fish transport to the gutting department. For various reasons such as extreme sizes, deviations in shape and condition in some fish, you need a line for manual gutting.
Central vacuum from Hoseth Technology solves a number of logistical and hygiene challenges in a slaughterhouse or further processing plant and maximizes the value of the by-products. Hoseth Technology's flexible and reliable vacuum systems collect by-products from swathing machines, swathing tables and fillet lines and send it to cyclones.
Our cyclone setups are customized to desired number of fractions with adapted vacuum capacity. In salmon harvest plants the most common is 3-4 biproduct fractions. We dimension the vacuum pumps with controls adapted to your piping system and production volume. The biproducts are either being pumped or sluiced out of the cyclones to maintain a set level inside.
The pipe system can be completely emptied, and we prepare the systems for CIP cleaning.
The control system has several modes and communication interfaces with other systems like processing machines, ensilage, CIP, etc. The operator runs the system from a local screen or from a control room.
Cleaning is crucial to create an efficient and secure operation of a fish factory. Where possible we facilitate CIP (Cleaning in Place) cleaning and supply the systems needed. Compared to manual cleaning, CIP is quicker and more efficient.
Hoseth Technology supplies software, digitization and automation solutions for the seafood industry. Our engineers, automatists and software developers have broad knowledge and understanding of slaughterhouses, support systems and technology for processing, transporting and processing fish.
The software developers have an interdisciplinary collaboration with other environments in Hoseth Technology to develop the best products both at machine level and total systems.
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